What is considered a short-term accommodation?

    The Township of Georgian Bluffs considers a Short-Term Accommodation facility to be any room, group of rooms, or other living or sleeping space for the lodging of occupants, including but not limited to condominiums, bungalows, single-family homes, cottages, cabins as well as campsites that are rented to provide accommodations to a person or persons on a temporary basis. Short-term accommodations do not include hotels, motels, hospitals, long-term care homes, retirement homes, school dormitories (if being rented to students enrolled in educational courses), lodges, boarding/rooming establishments, temporary farm accommodations, group homes or accommodations that are rented for 30 or more consecutive days (and are therefore regulated under the Residential Tenancies Act).

    How many STAs are there in Georgian Bluffs?

    The Township is currently in the process of receiving the most up-to-date and accurate data for short term accommodations in the area. As our data shows right now, there is approximately 135 possible short term accommodation properties in Georgian Bluffs.

    Does Georgian Bluffs currently license STAs?

    The Township of Georgian Bluffs does not currently license STAs. The Township is currently conducting community engagement to determine the best way to move forward with STAs.

    How do I submit a by-law complaint?

    You can call our 24/7 hotline to submit a by-law complaint.

    How are STA complaints addressed?

    When a by-law complaint is made our by-law team will visit the site to assess the situation and if any further actions need to be taken such as any tickets or fines.