2024 Budget Survey Results

The goal of the 2024 budget survey was to seek feedback on the Township’s current services being provided, identify where respondents feel increases/decreases to the current services may be warranted, or identify any new services residents wished to see the Township provide.
Who we heard from
The budget survey had 179 visitors with 84 residents participating in the 2024 Budget Survey and there were an estimated 100 residents in attendance at the Engage GB: Connect and Collaborate event, staff did not track the number of residents who specifically attending the Budget session. Majority (93%) of survey participates are full-time residents of the Township, with respondents identifying the Shallow Lake, Kemble, Big Bay, and Springmount areas as the option which best described where they live within the Township. 41% of survey participates fell within the 35-55 age range and the 55+ age range, the remaining 18% of survey participates fell within the 18-34 age range. Approximately 63% of survey participates have living in the Township for over 10 years with approximately 8% of participates having only lived in the Township for less than 2 years.
Staff note that the engagement relied on voluntary engagement; the results of the engagement are not statistically relevant and may not reflect the demographics of the Township or wider area. A number of types of engagement were used, surveys, in person opportunities, availability for phone discussions and submissions of written thoughts. However, each of these forms will differ on its accessibility for different groups. As such, while staff hope that the engagement is comprehensive and helpful information, it does not necessarily reflect all views and perspectives of the communities in the Township, nor does the strength of views share necessarily reflect with equity all voices in the community.
What we heard
Comments below are reflective of both survey responses and the Engage GB: Connect and Collaborate event.
- Infrastructure and Maintenance: This theme encompasses concerns about road conditions, snow removal, infrastructure maintenance, and safety. It is a top priority for many.
- Recreation and Community Services: Respondents emphasized the significance of recreational facilities, parks, and community centers for residents of all age groups.
- Economic Development: Economic growth and attracting businesses are identified as crucial for the community’s prosperity. This includes the need for incentives to encourage a variety of shops and businesses.
- Environmental Concerns: Respondents express the importance of addressing climate change, environmental sustainability, stormwater management, and water and sewer services.
- Safety and Public Services: Public safety services, such as fire and police, are essential for a safe and peaceful community.
- Waste Management: Improved waste management, including recycling, compost collection, and proper garbage disposal facilities, is a concern for many.
- Community Services and Facilities: Availability and quality of community services and facilities, including recreation programs, community centers, and indoor sports facilities, are of concern.
- Public Engagement and Communication: Respondents value more public engagement, consultation, and transparent communication regarding township decisions and actions.
- Internet Access and Infrastructure: There's a call for better high-speed internet access and more competition among ISPs to improve connectivity.
- Collaboration with Owen Sound: Better collaboration between the Township and the City of Owen Sound is suggested to ensure affordable and quality services, job creation, and population growth.
- Streamlining Non-Resident Fees: Respondents suggest eliminating non-resident fees and contributing directly to Owen Sound.
- Staff Competency and Recruitment: Concerns are raised about staff competency, staff shortages, and the need for qualified personnel through recruitment and retention.

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