Backyard Chickens

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The Township of Georgian Bluffs currently only be permits livestock, including chickens and other poultry, on a lot in the Agricultural or Rural Zone that has an area of 0.8 hectares or greater. The current By-Law states that livestock shall not be permitted on residential lots.

The Township is conducting public consultation to determine residents’ level of interest for keeping backyard chickens in other residential areas outside of Agricultural or Rural zones. Share your input on backyard chickens in Georgian Bluffs by completing the survey below, adding your insights to the idea board, or adding a pin to the map on where you think backyard chickens should be allowed.

The Township of Georgian Bluffs currently only be permits livestock, including chickens and other poultry, on a lot in the Agricultural or Rural Zone that has an area of 0.8 hectares or greater. The current By-Law states that livestock shall not be permitted on residential lots.

The Township is conducting public consultation to determine residents’ level of interest for keeping backyard chickens in other residential areas outside of Agricultural or Rural zones. Share your input on backyard chickens in Georgian Bluffs by completing the survey below, adding your insights to the idea board, or adding a pin to the map on where you think backyard chickens should be allowed.

  • Draft Backyard Chicken By-law

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    Following the community engagement results on Backyard Chickens, Council is now reviewing a draft by-law to manage the Backyard Chicken program. Below is a summary of the proposed by-law.

    Definition and Zoning Changes

    • Definitions: The Zoning By-law has been amended to define key terms such as "Animal Enclosure," "Backyard Poultry," and "Hen."
    • Zoning Amendments: Backyard poultry are now permitted as an accessory use on residential lots larger than 0.2 hectares in Agricultural, Rural, Residential, and Shoreline Residential zones. A maximum of 6 hens and/or pullets are allowed per lot, with roosters and other domesticated birds like waterfowl being excluded.

    Enclosure Specifications

    • Size and Location: Enclosures for poultry must not exceed 10 square metres and must be at least 10 metres away from neighbouring dwellings.
    • Construction and Maintenance: Coops must be well-constructed with roofing and secure fencing to protect the poultry from weather and predators. They also need to be kept in a sanitary condition.

    Community Feedback and Implementation

    The community survey conducted in Fall 2023 influenced these regulations, highlighting the residents' perspectives on backyard poultry. There may be implications for the municipality’s enforcement programs as issues related to the by-law arise.

    Current Status

    • The final reading and passing of the by-law is scheduled to take place on May 15, 2024, signaling the official adoption of these regulations.

    This by-law is a step towards accommodating our community members who are interested in small-scale, sustainable food production right in their backyards. For further details or questions about the new backyard poultry regulations, you can see the full Council Report and Draft By-law, or contact the Township Office at 519-376-2729.


  • Backyard Poultry Report Goes to Council

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    On January 10, 2024, Staff presented a report and recommendations regarding the regulation of backyard poultry in the Township of Georgian Bluffs. With the increasing interest in sustainable practices and local food consumption, the report addresses the public feedback received and policies governing the keeping of poultry in residential areas.

    The report draws insights from existing regulations in other municipalities across Ontario, and details the feedback gathered through the EngageGB survey conducted between August and November of 2023. Key findings from the survey indicate a considerable community interest in allowing backyard chickens, with preferences for minimal regulations but controls on issues such as the number of birds and sales of eggs and birds.

    The report highlights considerations for potential by-laws and registry provisions, including zoning restrictions, enclosure specifications, bird limits, housing requirements, and biosecurity measures. It also discusses the exclusion of waterfowl and other bird species due to their unique requirements and potential nuisances.

    At the subsequent Council meeting, Council directed staff to proceed with Option 2, as follows:

    Option 2. Permit poultry in residential areas through a housekeeping amendment to the Zoning By-law. This option would require staff to craft an amendment to the Comprehensive Zoning By-law 2020-020 that would add the keeping of poultry as a permitted use in select residential zones. The By-law would contain restrictions on minimum parcel size, numbers of poultry, and other provisions relating to chicken coops and runs. The draft by-law would be circulated for comment and a statutory public meeting would be held before bringing the by-law to Council for adoption. Enforcement would be limited to the provisions contained in the by-law.


Page last updated: 24 Jun 2024, 06:52 AM