Shallow Lake Library Kiosk

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The Township of Georgian Bluffs is working with the Owen Sound and North Grey Union Public Library to expand library services to the Shallow Lake Arena in Georgian Bluffs.

The Library will be installing a kiosk that operates as a book vending machine at the arena. Library users can check out materials with their library card, either to read during their visit at the arena or to take home. Books can be returned back to the kiosk, or can be brought back to the Library. Library staff will restock the kiosk each week with popular titles of adult, youth and children's materials.

The kiosk will be installed in January of 2024.

Before the kiosk is in, we want to hear from you! Let us know what genres and authors are your favourite, so we can stock the kiosk with books you will love.

The Township of Georgian Bluffs is working with the Owen Sound and North Grey Union Public Library to expand library services to the Shallow Lake Arena in Georgian Bluffs.

The Library will be installing a kiosk that operates as a book vending machine at the arena. Library users can check out materials with their library card, either to read during their visit at the arena or to take home. Books can be returned back to the kiosk, or can be brought back to the Library. Library staff will restock the kiosk each week with popular titles of adult, youth and children's materials.

The kiosk will be installed in January of 2024.

Before the kiosk is in, we want to hear from you! Let us know what genres and authors are your favourite, so we can stock the kiosk with books you will love.

  • Let us know what genres, authors, and reading levels you would like to see at the Shallow Lake Arena Library Kiosk! 

    This survey will be open until December 31, 2023, with the Kiosk being installed in January of 2024.

    Take Survey
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Page last updated: 15 Nov 2023, 11:12 AM