Official Plan

An official plan describes the Township’s policies on how land in this community should be used and is prepared with input from members of the public to ensure that future planning and development will meet the specific needs of the community. The official plan is a statement of goals, objectives and policies to guide future growth within the Township for a twenty five-year horizon.
The Township of Georgian Bluffs has an in-effect official plan which guides all new development and is implemented through the Township’s zoning by-law. The current Official Plan has been in-effect since 2014 and is due to be updated. The purpose of this update is to ensure that the official plan continues to reflect the community’s vision, goals and objectives for land use planning and that it is up-to-date with provincial legislative and policy requirements, as well as updated policies in the County of Grey’s Official Plan.
It’s time for an update to the Township of Georgian Bluffs’ Official Plan and we want to hear about what is important to you. Have your say in shaping the future of your community by adding your input to the forum below, or asking any questions you may have.
An official plan describes the Township’s policies on how land in this community should be used and is prepared with input from members of the public to ensure that future planning and development will meet the specific needs of the community. The official plan is a statement of goals, objectives and policies to guide future growth within the Township for a twenty five-year horizon.
The Township of Georgian Bluffs has an in-effect official plan which guides all new development and is implemented through the Township’s zoning by-law. The current Official Plan has been in-effect since 2014 and is due to be updated. The purpose of this update is to ensure that the official plan continues to reflect the community’s vision, goals and objectives for land use planning and that it is up-to-date with provincial legislative and policy requirements, as well as updated policies in the County of Grey’s Official Plan.
It’s time for an update to the Township of Georgian Bluffs’ Official Plan and we want to hear about what is important to you. Have your say in shaping the future of your community by adding your input to the forum below, or asking any questions you may have.
Long Range Planning
over 1 year agoShare Long Range Planning on Facebook Share Long Range Planning on Twitter Share Long Range Planning on Linkedin Email Long Range Planning link2 ResponsesThe updated Official Plan is proposed to include updated residential and employment growth forecasts to 2046, as per the Official Plan for the County of Grey.
Policy directions include:
• Updating population, employment, and housing forecasts to reflect the 2021 Census figures;
• Addressing trends affecting housing and population growth, including the rise of in migration due to remote work;
• Revising population and household projections to align with the Update to the County of Grey Growth Management Strategy (County OPA 11);
• Updating the requirement for municipalities to maintain a five year supply of draft approved and registered lots available for residential development, and to maintain a fifteen year supply of vacant lands designated for residential purposes.
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Housing Policy
over 1 year agoShare Housing Policy on Facebook Share Housing Policy on Twitter Share Housing Policy on Linkedin Email Housing Policy linkThe updated Official Plan is proposed to include new and revised housing policy, addressing topics such as additional residential units, garden suites, social and special needs housing, affordable housing, tiny homes, and density targets in settlement areas for residential development.
Policy Directions include:
• Revised Housing and Population objectives to encourage a range and mix of housing, including affordable housing;
• Revising permissions for social & special needs housing in designated Primary Settlement Areas where essential services and supports are nearby;
• Aligning density targets for residential development in Settlement Areas with those of the County OP;
• Introducing a new subsection with criteria for the construction of tiny homes.
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Additional Residential Units
over 1 year agoShare Additional Residential Units on Facebook Share Additional Residential Units on Twitter Share Additional Residential Units on Linkedin Email Additional Residential Units linkThe updated Official Plan is proposed to reflect recent changes to the Planning Act which changes to the way municipalities regulate additional residential units.
Maximum number of residential units in a principal building (i.e., detached house, semi detached house, or row house) and/or accessory structure, on a property with full services:
• Three (3) residential units in a principal building if no accessory structures contain any residential units;
• Two (2) residential units within a principal unit, if accessory structures on the property contain no more than one (1) residential unit;
• One (1) residential unit within an accessory structure, provided that the principal structure contains no more than two (2) residential units, and no other accessory structures contain any residential units.
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Short-Term Rental Units
over 1 year agoShare Short-Term Rental Units on Facebook Share Short-Term Rental Units on Twitter Share Short-Term Rental Units on Linkedin Email Short-Term Rental Units linkThe updated Official Plan will contain new policy to regulate short term rental accommodation, reflecting policy requirements of the County OP.
Policy Directions include:
• Permissions for short term rental accommodation uses in select designations (e.g., Residential, Village Centre, Inland Lake & Shoreline Area);
• Permits a short term rental accommodation in the Agricultural, Special Agricultural and Rural land use types, provided they meet requirements for on farm diversified uses
• Requirements for compliance with any additional Township regulatory framework (e.g., licensing, information, education, registration, taxation, or enforcement);
• Requires confirmation of adequate servicing for proposed short term rental accommodation;
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Natural & Cultural Heritage
over 1 year agoShare Natural & Cultural Heritage on Facebook Share Natural & Cultural Heritage on Twitter Share Natural & Cultural Heritage on Linkedin Email Natural & Cultural Heritage linkThe updated Official Plan will reflect new policy in the PPS regarding natural hazards , as well as new/revised policy in provincial and County planning policy regarding public access to shorelines and best practices for responsible shoreline development.
Policy Directions include:
• New policies require mitigation measures where development is proposed on or adjacent to lands which may be affected by hazardous forest types or wildland fire;
• Revised policies to permit the Township to secure public access to shorelines through the development process;
• Revised policy to permit the re establishment of natural shoreline buffer ;
• Expanded policy concerning requirements for archaeological assessments in areas of high archaeological potential.
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Climate Change Adaptation
over 1 year agoShare Climate Change Adaptation on Facebook Share Climate Change Adaptation on Twitter Share Climate Change Adaptation on Linkedin Email Climate Change Adaptation linkThe updated Official Plan will contain new policy to address climate change mitigation and adaption, reflecting the requirements of the PPS and County OP.
Policy Directions include:
• Revised policies for water resource management which consider the impacts of a changing climate on the Township’s water resources;
• Revised policies for stormwater management which encourage green infrastructure (e.g., low impact development, permeable paving surfaces, naturalized SWM facilities, etc.);
• New policies which promote climate change mitigation and adaptation (e.g., natural asset planning, use of sustainability features in lieu of parkland conveyance, promoting energy efficient design in new development)
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Cannabis Cultivation
over 1 year agoShare Cannabis Cultivation on Facebook Share Cannabis Cultivation on Twitter Share Cannabis Cultivation on Linkedin Email Cannabis Cultivation linkThe updated Official Plan will contain a new policy framework for new cannabis facilities, based on best practices and policy requirements of the County OP.
Policy Directions include:
• New policy to require a zoning by law amendment to establish cannabis cultivation as an agricultural use;
• Required setbacks and minimum separation distances from sensitive uses to ensure land use compatibility ;
• New policy to require that cultivation for industrial or commercial purposes must occur within an enclosed building ;
• New policy to require that new cannabis facilities are subject to site plan control , with oversight on matters such as air quality, environmental impact, traffic, landscaping, lighting, and requiring completion of technical studies.
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Who's Listening
Principal Planner
Acting Chief Administrative Officer, Director of Community Services & Operations
Official Plan has finished this stageThis consultation is open for contributions.
Under Review
Official Plan is currently at this stageContributions to this consultation are closed for evaluation and review. The project team will report back on key outcomes.
Final report
this is an upcoming stage for Official PlanThe final outcomes of the consultation are documented here. This may include a summary of all contributions collected as well as recommendations for future action.
Official Plan Schedules
GBOP_SchedAMap00LandUse.pdf (1.23 MB) (pdf)
GBOP_SchedAMap01ShallowLake.pdf (177 KB) (pdf)
GBOP_SchedAMap03BalmyBeach.pdf (172 KB) (pdf)
GBOP_SchedAMap02Springmount.pdf (184 KB) (pdf)
GBOP_SchedAMap04Kilsyth.pdf (148 KB) (pdf)
GBOP_SchedAMap05Keady.pdf (159 KB) (pdf)
GBOP_SchedAMap06Rockford.pdf (154 KB) (pdf)
GBOP_SchedAMap07EastLinton.pdf (218 KB) (pdf)
GBOP_SchedAMap08Brooke.pdf (465 KB) (pdf)
GBOP_SchedAMap09Sunset.pdf (185 KB) (pdf)
GBOP_SchedBTransportation.pdf (1.01 MB) (pdf)
Important Links
Key Dates
August 2023
August 24 2023
September 21 2023
October 2023