Strategic Plan Process and Timeline
This timeline outlines the strategic planning process, culminating in the development of Vision 2050 and the Strategic Plan. By engaging in a collaborative and transparent manner, we aim to harness the collective wisdom of our community members, stakeholders, and Council to chart a course that reflects our shared values and aspirations. Together, we will navigate through the steps outlined in this timeline, ensuring that our efforts are focused, purposeful, and driven by the vision of creating a vibrant and resilient future for Georgian Bluffs.
Strategic Session with Council: Held April 12, 2024. Watch Part 1, and Part 2
Consultation Launch: Late May, 2024
One-on-One Discussions with Council Members: To be completed in May, 2024.
Survey: From late May until the end of June 2024, both online and randomly selected telephone opportunities will be available.
Community Workshops: In-person drop-in workshops will be held at the Shallow Lake Community Centre (May 29, 2024), the Derby Community Centre (June 17, 2024), and the Kemble Arena (June 26, 2024) from 4-6 p.m.
Connect and Collaborate: This in-person collaboration day will be held on June 18, 2024, from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. at the Grey Roots Museum. It will feature the Strategic Plan and other community projects that the Township is seeking feedback on.
Virtual Workshop: A virtual Community Workshop will take place on June 25, 2024, at 9:00 a.m. Please register here.
Draft Plan and Feedback Period: Scheduled to be presented to Council in late summer.
Finalization of Vision 2050 and Strategic Plan: Targeted for early fall of 2024.
Preparation of Business Plan for Budget 2025: To be completed in conjunction with the strategic plan and finalized for the 2025 Budget.
This process aims to provide many different opportunities to effectively engage stakeholders, gather diverse perspectives, and ensure that the resulting Vision 2050 and Strategic Plan accurately reflect the aspirations and priorities of the Georgian Bluffs community.
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